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On Base

a.    Base Internal Driving Regulations
Within the base a 30 kph speed limit is mandatory. Parkingis only permitted in the white lines. Blue lines are reserved parking. The International Military Police (IMP) will conduct
random spot-checks. It is unlawful for any person to perform any act forbidden by Post Regulation 70-6. Failure to comply with the mentioned policy will lead to suspension or revocation of base driving privileges.

B.  Parking
Parking colour codes on base are:
  • White - general parking.
  • Blue - reserved parking.
  • Yellow - handicapped area or no parking area.
  • Yellow striping - loading zone or no parking.
  • Red curbed areas indicate no stopping, standing or parking.
All vehicles authorized to enter JFCNP Post, must display car pass/visitors pass or other form of authorization including insurance coupon on the windshield at all times.

c.  Special Parking special parking
Long term parking on JFCNP Post is located near the satellite area. If you intend to park for an extended period of time (in excess of 48 hours) because you are on TDY or on approved leave, you must request authorization from the Post Commander by submitting a Parking Request (Form is available in Post Commanders’ front office).

Those authorized to do so, must keep the approved request, JFCNP car pass and the insurance coupon on the windshield of the vehicle for the full time requested.

d.  Stopping or Parking is prohibited
  • Within any area or parking lot not clearly lined, marked or otherwise designated for parking.
  • Within a marked triangular space at the end of marked parking spaces.
  • Within any area marked "NO PARKING".
  • On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge of the curb or edge of the street.
  • Facing and within the opposing lane of traffic.
  • On a sidewalk.
  • Within 9 meters of an intersection.
  • Within 7 meters of a crosswalk.
  • Upon any seeded or grassed area;
  • Within 4.5 meters of a fire hydrant.
  • In excess of any posted or clearly marked time limit.
  • In any manner so as to obstruct a driveway;
  • In any reserved parking space not authorized to do so;
  • In any area that is occupied with construction equipment or materials.
  • In any area marked with a yellow curb.
e.  JFCNP Recycling Program
On the 1st of March 2010, JFCNP began a waste recycling program and the BSG Branch Head kindly asks you to follow these steps to help to keep the base clean:
Each building is provided with medium-sized bins, mostly along the corridors or near the entrances. Special containers for the collection of Plastic, Metal, and Glass have been positioned at each floor, while bins for the collection of Batteries and Toner cartridges have been positioned on the ground floor of each building.
Each workstation is equipped with baskets for the collection of Paper and Cardboard and for unsorted waste. Baskets and bins are emptied every day by the cleaning staff, who are responsible for moving their content into the specific external roadside dumpsters for each waste category.

Dumpsters for the disposal of separate waste - Plastic, Metal, Glass and Unsorted - are located within the HQ. These dumpsters are only to be used by authorized personnel and contractors. No private waste is allowed.


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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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