JFC Naples

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In Processing

a.    Reporting to your National Support Element

Upon your arrival you should report to your National Support Element (NSE) located in Building A (Main Complex), Area A6. Your NSE will prepare all needed documents for you and your dependents in order to be in-processed. You will be assigned either to JFC Naples, to NCIA, to the 2nd NATO Signal Battalion (2NSB) or to your National Support Element. If you are a NATO Civilian, you will need to report directly to the Human Resources Branch Civilian Personnel Office which acts as your National Support Element.

b.    NATO ID Cards and Security Badge

Once your NSE has prepared all documents needed to be inprocessed. Please contact your National Support Element. They will provide you with a sponsor.

c.    Driving License

All official drivers’ licenses from any of the European Union (EU) countries are recognized in Italy; however a translation of the EU license is required. This may be obtained through Pass & ID. Personnel from non-EU Countries have to report to Building A, Area A-6, Pass & ID Office. Pass & ID Office will provide them with a valid driver’s license (based upon their National Driving License).

d. Codice Fiscale (Fiscal Code)

The "Codice Fiscale” or "CF” (ITA for "Fiscal Code”) is somewhat similar to the US Social Security Number. It is
requested for making major financial transactions (purchasing of certain goods, applying for an electricity contract, opening of a bank account, etc.) and for many other purposes. It is recommended you get your "CF” ASAP. Your NSE will provide you with further details.

f. Health Care – Italian National System – Immunizations

(1) EU citizens: proof of income (income statement) is required to guarantee that you can satisfy your family needs (prepared by yourself – "autocertificazione”). The following additional documents may also be required: a valid ID card, Codice Fiscale, Certification of Employment/Assignment, and full health insurance (usually the E 106, E 109, E 111 forms serve this purpose). The first step is for you and your dependants to bring the E 111 card to the Local Health Care office (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL) and enroll. The second step is to choose your Italian Medical Practitioner (at the local ASL). Now, you’re all set.

(2) NON EU citizens: a Permesso di Soggiorno (Sojourner’s Permit) is needed only for family members, since the military personnel fall under the current SOFA between NATO and Italy. After that you must apply for a residency permit for your family and follow the steps above to complete your enrolment.
(3) Immunization: bring with you the immunization (vaccination) records for you and your family members and make sure they are up-to-date. Remember, all children entering Italian public schools must have had a series of immunizations. Failure to provide proof will result in children not being allowed to attend school. Some of the mandatory vaccinations are as follows, BUT DO CHECK WITH THE CHILD’S DOCTOR FOR GUIDANCE:
  • At 11 to 15 months, the baby must be vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella (German Measles)
  • At 11 to 12 months: diphtheria, tetanus, polio, Haemophilus influenza b, Hepatitis B
  • At 3 years: polio
  • At 5 to 6 years: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis

For children between 12 and 24 months of age, the PN7V (Pneumococcal heptavalent conjugate), MenC (meningococcal C conjugate) and Var (varicella) vaccines are recommended for some children only. Again, please check with the child’s doctor for guidance.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
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