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Feb 23 2023

NATO DASG OPS Burcu san visits serbia

NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations Burcu San, paid a visit to Serbia, where she met with the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, as well as with State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Nemanja Starovic.

During the meetings, NATO DASG OPS emphasized that the Alliance fully respects Serbia's military neutrality policy, underlining the importance of NATO-Serbia cooperation under the framework of the Partnership for Peace Programme. In addition, Mrs. San also used to opportunity to stress that the cooperation is especially important in the domain of activities that aim to promote the development of the Serbian Armed Forces.

The meeting of NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General  for Operations Burcu San and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic (photo credit: Serbian MFA Twitter account)

Furthermore, NATO DASG OPS said that NATO-led KFOR mission is fully capable of continuing to implement its UNSCR 1244 mandate to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo; and that KFOR troops are fully prepared to intervene if stability, security and freedom of movement are jeopardized. She also added that, overall, there is an excellent level of dialogue between NATO, including through its KFOR mission, and the Serbian interlocutors. Mrs. San also underlined that KFOR Commander, Major General Angelo Ristuccia is frequently in direct contact with Serbian CHOD General Milan Mojsilovic.

Through this partnership, NATO helps Serbia develop capabilities that enable Serbia to promote security and stability, as well as provide necessary skills to Serbian soldiers for participation in peacekeeping missions.
Meeting between NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Burcu San, and State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Nemanja Starovic 
(photo credit: Serbian MoD website)

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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