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Dec 23 2022

Brigadier General Romano assumes the duty of Chief nato mlo belgrade

Belgrade - At the Change of Command Ceremony presided by Admiral Stuart Munsch, JFC Naples Commander, Italian Brigadier General Giampiero Romano took over the role of the Chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade. 

The Ceremony was held on December 20 in Belgrade and was attended by the highest Serbian government and military officials and dignitaries in the country, including the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic and Serbian CHOD General Milan Mojsilovic. The event was also attended by the KFOR Commander Major General Angelo Ristuccia, NATO countries Ambassadors to Serbia, military representatives and other guests, as well as media representatives and NGOs.

JFC Naples Commander Admiral Stuart Munsch and new Chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade, Brigadier General Giampiero Romano

During the Ceremony, JFC Naples Commander Admiral Munsch said that NATO and Serbia have long track-record of working together to promote peace and stability in the region, adding that the work to ensure that peace is not undermined will continue. He also pointed out that cooperation with Serbia under the Partnership for Peace Program remains a tangible manifestation of NATO’s enduring commitment to this mutually beneficial partnership and to working with all partners for continued stability in the Western Balkans.

JFC NAPLES Commander Admiral Stuart Munsch delivering his speech
Serbia is an important NATO partner. I am proud of what the MLO Belgrade team accomplishes – particularly identifying opportunities for NATO and Serbia to deepen a mutually beneficial partnership agenda.

Thanking the Admiral Munsch and other distinguished guests, the new head of the NATO office, Brigadier General Giampiero Romano said he was well aware of his new role and how important it is to improve NATO-Serbia Partnership.

"NATO Military Liaison Office Belgrade plays an essential role in enhancing cooperation and dialogue between NATO and the Republic of Serbia. I am convinced that the Office's efforts to support the development of our cooperation in the military, civilian, scientific and diplomatic domains will be useful in strengthening the stabilization process in the region," said Brigadier General Romano.

I will do my best to help strengthen this strong bond of cooperation between NATO and Serbia, because only through working together and sharing can we talk about future, peace and stability.

Outgoing Chief of NATO MLO Belgrade BG Zanitti (left) and the new NATO MLO Chief BG Romano (right)

The outgoing chief BG Zanitti greeted the guests, thanking the Serbian officials for hospitality.

"We have developed a productive and very professional cooperation. Our partnership is strong and we continue to work together in fields beneficial for Serbia and NATO", Zanitti pointed out.

He also added that NATO-Serbia cooperation is tailored to meet Serbia’s needs and requirements, in full accordance with country’s military neutrality policy.

From left to right: New Chief NATO MLO Belgrade Brigadier General Giampiero Romano, outgoing Chief Brigadier General Antonello Zanitti, KFOR Commander Major General Angelo Ristuccia, JFC Naples Commander Admiral Stuart Munsch, First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Defence Minister Milos Vucevic, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilovic

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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