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Jun 18 2021

Serbian Parliamentarians and NATO

BELGRADE, 17 June  - Chief of NATO Office in Belgrade addressed Serbian Parliamentarians presenting them the facts and benefits of Serbia NATO partnership and perspectives of cooperation in security domain. Event was organised by the Head of the Delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and Serbian parliamentarian Mr. Dragan Sormaz.


NATO-Serbia partnership, NATO's recently adopted 2030 Agenda and NATO Summit in Brussels held on June 14 were the topics addressed by the Chief of NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade, Brigadier General Tommaso Vitale. More than  40 members of Serbian Parliament, along side diplomatic representatives of NATO Allied countries in Serbia, had an opportunity to hear firsthand about benefits and importance of NATO Serbia cooperation, especially within the scope of Western Balkans security. 

Guest were greeted by  the National Assembly's Vice-President Vladimir Orlic and the Head of the National Assembly Standing Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Dragan Sormaz, underlining Serbia's dedication to Partnership for Peace and the efforts country is making in promoting peace and stability in the region.


Chief MLO Belgrade emphasized that Western Balkans is of strategic importance to NATO, as well as that NATO remains committed to security and stability in the region, mainly through enhancement of political dialogue and practical cooperation in order to support reform efforts and promote peace and security. 

Serbia plays a key role as a reliable and respected partner in the Western Balkans region

General Vitale underscored the significance of the benefits that NATO-Serbia Partnership provides for two sides and for the region, which was reaffirmed by the NATO Allies at the Brussel's Summit, along with the Alliance's commitment to improving cooperation programs with partner nations. In this sense, General Vitale described NATO-Serbia partnership, which 15th Anniversary will be marked in 2021, as long-standing and solid, highlighting civil emergencies preparedness, military reforms, scientific cooperation, and military personnel training for peacekeeping operations as best examples of this cooperation. In addition to this, he reminded that NATO supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue facilitated by the EU, reiterating NATO's commitment to peace and security in Kosovo through continued engagement within the KFOR mission. As conclusion, Chief NATO MLO Belgrade General Vitale said that NATO looks forward to NATO-Serbia partnership, underlining the fact that NATO respects Serbia's proclaimed policy of military neutrality.

Brigadier General Tommaso Vitale, Chief of NATO Office Belgrade at the Serbian Parliament during his address
After Vitale's address, there was a Q&A session with present members of parliament, followed by a joint press statement  of Chief MLO Belgrade General Vitale and MP Dragan Sormaz, followed by the cocktail .
Joint press statement  of Chief MLO Belgrade General Vitale and Serbian MP Dragan Sormaz.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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