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Dec 16 2021

General Zanitti - New Chief of NATO Belgrade Office

Belgrade, 16 Dec - Brigadier General Antonello Messenio Zanitti became the 10th Chief of NATO Office in Belgrade

At the Change of Command Ceremony presided by Admiral Robert Burke, JFC Naples Commander, Italian Brigadier General Antonello Messenio Zanitti took over the role of the Chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade. The Ceremony was held at the Central Military Club in Belgrade and was attended by the highest military officials and dignitaries in the country, including Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic and Chief of Staff General Milan Mojsilovic, as well as members of the diplomatic core, media representatives and NGO's.
Today, with pride and emotion I assume the post of Chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade, aware of the importance and uniqueness of this task
Admiral Burke, JFC Naples Commander and Chief MLO Belgrade Brigadier General Zanitti

The new head of the NATO office, Brigadier General Antonello Messenio Zaniti, emphasized the importance of the Office in improving cooperation and dialogue between NATO and Serbia. "I am convinced that the Office's efforts to support the development of our cooperation in the military, civilian, scientific and diplomatic domains will be useful in strengthening the stabilization process in the region," said Brigadier General Zaniti.

The outgoing head of the NATO Liaison Office in Belgrade, Brigadier General Tomazo Vitale wished Serbia peace, stability and prosperity, with a successful partnership with NATO, as well as within the European family, to which, as he pointed out, "Serbia undoubtedly belongs".

During the ceremony, the commander of the joint forces in Naples, Admiral Robert Burke, stated that Serbia is a respected and important NATO partner. "Fifteen years ago, when your country joined the Partnership for Peace program, our mutually beneficial partnership began, while expanding the area of ​​our cooperation, but also fully respecting the proclaimed policy of military neutrality of Serbia." In that sense, it is important to point out that Serbia decides on the scope and dynamics of cooperation with NATO, in accordance with its needs and priorities, "said Admiral Burke.

Admiral Burke giving a speech at the Ceremony

"I'd like to welcome Brigadier General Antonello Zanitti, a highly accomplished soldier and Italian Army Air Defense Artillery leader, who comes to Belgrade from duties as Chief of Staff for the Italian Army's Land Operational Support Forces Headquarters. General Zanitti has commanded at the battalion, regimental, and brigade levels, with NATO operational service in both Kosovo and Iraq. A deeply experienced staff officer with early experience on the staff of the famed Vittorio Veneto division and three years assigned to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, General Zanitti brings with him tremendous operational experience and broad strategic perspective" - said Admiral Burke in his speech at the ceremony, adding that we all look forward to the general's many accomplishments with NATO Military Liaison Office Belgrade.

Speaking at the Ceremony, Admiral Burke said that the Alliance fully respects Serbia's policy of military neutrality, adding that the country cooperates with NATO on many levels – political, military and scientific. He said that the Alliance is fully committed to stability, security and cooperation in the Western Balkans with NATO attaching strategic importance to Serbia for the stability of the region. "Serbia is an important NATO partner," he said.


Story by MLO Belgrade

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