During the meeting, Mr. Sormaz underlined the importance of being an associate member of NATO PA. The Serbian delegation is very active and is given the possibility to take part in all committee and subcommittee activities, seminars, and plenary sessions, with an opportunity to actively participate. The Serbian delegation shares its views and positions, in addition to giving their perspectives on NATO PA reports and presenting resolutions or amendments.
Political dialogue strengthens NATO-Serbia partnership, helps us create a better and safer future for all
Chief MLO Belgrade stressed the importance of political dialogue for both NATO and Serbia. It is with this political dialogue, working side by side, that we strengthen NATO-Serbia partnership, and help create a better and safer future for all.
Member of the Parliament and Head of the standing delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Dragan Sormaz and Chief MLO Belgrade, Brigadier General Tommaso Vitale
Synergy and dialogue improve cooperation and Brigadier General Vitale emphasized that by working side by side, there is great potential for strengthening NATO-Serbia partnership, thus creating a better and safer future for all.
With respect to new challenges posed by the rise of populism and disinformation campaigns, both interlocutors highlighted the importance of working together in the field of public diplomacy by promoting true and factual information about the cooperation between Serbia and NATO.