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Jan 18 2018

NATO MLO and Greek Embassy organise NGO coordination event

BELGRADE -The NATO MLO Belgrade and the Greek Embassy, acting in its capacity as the NATO Contact Point Embassy in Serbia, organised a coordination event with local NGOs to discuss prospects for future projects.

The meeting was part of the Alliance’s effort to reach out to relevant non-governmental organisations, underline NATO’s interest in partnership and cooperation, and improve the NGO community’s understanding of the Alliance’s activities in Serbia and the region. 

Four Allied ambassadors and 15 senior diplomatic representatives, as well as Assistant Foreign Minister for Security Policy Branimir Filipovic, took part in the discussion, while NATO Public Diplomacy Representative Robert Pszczel addressed the event via video conferencing.
Chief of MLO, Brigadier General Cesare Marinelli, noted that the Alliance wants to improve the partnership with Serbia within the available Partnership for Peace mechanisms and encouraged the NGOs to continue playing an important role in raising public awareness on the benefits of such cooperation.

Additional coordination meetings are planned for the upcoming period.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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