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MLO Belgrade  /  Newsroom  /  News Archive  /  2018  /   Statement by the NATO Spokesperson on the SECGEN's phone call with Mr. Haradinaj

Dec 19 2018

Statement by the NATO Spokesperson on the SECGEN's phone call with Mr. Haradinaj

The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had a phone call today with Mr. Ramush Haradinaj of Kosovo. He informed Mr. Haradinaj that the North Atlantic Council had an initial discussion on the recently adopted laws on the transition of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF). 

The Secretary General informed Mr. Haradinaj that, as the mandate of the KSF is evolving, the North Atlantic Council will re-examine NATO’s level of engagement with the KSF in the new year. NATO will continue its KFOR mission to ensure a safe and secure environment in Kosovo. KFOR operates under a UN mandate and will not be affected by the laws on the transition of the KSF. The Secretary General will continue his engagement with all actors relevant for regional stability.  

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