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Nov 16 2018

NATO supports Serbian standardisation capacities

BELGRADE - The NATO Standardisation Office (NSO) held a three-day course in Belgrade on NATO standardisation for Serbia. This was an extraordinary opportunity to train twenty Serbian experts in this field in such a short time, which would otherwise take between five and seven years in the usual course of training.

The introductory course on NATO standardisation was adjusted to Serbia’s specific needs. The participants, who mostly work in this area, came from the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces. The course was officially opened by Brigadier General Zoltán Gulyás, Director of the Office.
The training commenced with the topics of standardisation and interoperability, structure of NATO standardisation and role of the NSO. The focus of the second day was the inclusion of partners in NATO standardisation, while the participants were largely interested in the application of standards. The Office then presented the "eAdoption” modules and its website, via which the Serbian participants practiced, using the advantages offered by the website, with access to the database. The last day saw lectures related to Allied Joint Doctrine, examples of good practices in this area, and partnership-related standards in the Planning and Review Process (PARP).

The procedure of accessing classified and secret documents through the Military Partnership Branch attracted the greatest interest, as did the role of the Serbian mission to NATO and the EU in that process.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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