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MLO Belgrade  /  Newsroom  /  News Archive  /  2017  /  NATO Secretary General expresses sympathy for victims of blast at TRZ Kragujevac

Feb 28 2017

NATO Secretary General expresses sympathy for victims of blast at TRZ Kragujevac

BRUSSELS - I am saddened to hear of the explosions at the Kragujevac Military Facility in Serbia, which resulted in the death of at least one person, with many others injured or missing. My thoughts and deep sympathy are with all those affected and with the Serbian people.

As the Serbian authorities are working to establish the facts of this tragedy, I want to convey NATO's solidarity at this difficult time.

Serbia is NATO's neighbour and a valued partner. The Alliance remains committed to helping the countries of the Western Balkans, including Serbia, to safely store their weapon stocks and to destroy dangerous surplus ammunition.

Story by NATO HQ

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