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Feb 5 2016

Supreme Allied Commander Europe visits Serbia

BELGRADE -  Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Philip M. Breedlove, paid a visit to Serbia and met with Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Chief of Defence of the Serbian Armed Forces, highlighting NATO's commitment to strengthen partnership with Serbia.

"NATO and Serbia are building up cooperation and dialogue both politically and militarily. Serbia plays an important role in building and maintaining stability in the Western Balkans and in Europe, and we welcome the important steps you have taken to rebuild relations with your Balkan neighbours,” said Breedlove, who also met with State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Zoran Djorjdevic and State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Roksanda Nincic. 

General Breedlove also visited the NATO MLO Belgrade where he was briefed by Chief of MLO, Brigadier General Cesare Marinelli, on the Partnership for Peace activities that the Office is facilitating, as well as on the current security situation in the region.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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