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Jun 30 2016

NATO MLO and Ministry of Defence organise science info day

BELGRADE -The NATO MLO Belgrade and the Directorate for European Integrations and Managing Projects at the Ministry of Defense organized a NATO Science for Peace (SPS) Info Day so as to present opportunities of cooperation within the SPS as well as with the NATO Science Technology Organization (STO).

Head of NATO's Science for Peace Program, Dr. Deniz Beten, elaborated on the mechanisms that the program provides for Serbian scientists and explained the Alliance’s priorities in this area.

"We have made excellent experiences working with Serbian scientists. Serbian scientists and experts that have been involved in the SPS activities have all made substantial contributions that have been key to the success of the six ongoing projects. This collaboration has been mutually beneficial for scientists on both sides," said Dr. Beten.
State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Nenad Neric reiterated that the participation in the SPS program is of importance for Serbian researchers. "They receive a valuable knowledge and expertise in cooperating with other countries in areas that are of interest for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces," added Neric.

NATO Chief Scientist and Chairperson of NATO Scientific Technology Board, Major General Albert Husniaux, emphasized the importance of knowledge sharing on all levels. "It’s the dialogue between scientists and the operational community which generates innovation, by stimulating the generation of ideas and cross-fertilizing them," said Husniaux.

Serbia has been an active partner in the SPS Programme over the last decade and the leading areas for cooperation currently include the development of security-related advanced technologies, the Role of Women in Peace and Security, and defense against chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear (CBRN) agents. Serbia's cooperation with the NATO STO have encompassed half a dozen projects in the fields of military engineering, medical research, and acoustics.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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