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Mar 26 2016

MLO participates in media workshop in Zrenjanin

BELGRADE - MLO representatives took part in a two-day media workshop for 20 Serbian defence journalists that was organised by the Serbian Ministry of Defence in Zrenjanin from March 18-20.

Chief of MLO, Brigadier General Cesare Marinelli, delivered a presentation on the most important aspects of NATO-Serbia cooperation and the Alliance’s efforts to support Serbia’s defence reform.

"NATO is committed to supporting Serbia in further conducting defense sector reform and modernising its armed forces through the Partnership for Peace program. We are particularly focused on assisting the Serbian army in improving its interoperability as it helps Serbia to make valuable contributions to UN and EU-led peacekeeping missions,” said General Marinelli.
In addition, he explained that NATO members had committed funds for a new Trust Fund project that will help Serbia build up its facilities at TRZ Kragujevac for safely disposing of 2,000 tons of surplus ammunition.

"It will help make Serbian citizens safer and expand the opportunity for Kragujevac to continue its valuable work in the future,” said Marinelli.

US Defense Attaché, Colonel Taft Blackburn, UK Defence Attaché, Colonel Simon Fitzgibbon, and representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces also spoke about various aspects of NATO and its members' cooperation with Serbia.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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