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Nov 15 2016

Chief of Staff of JFC Naples visits Serbia and MLO

BELGRADE - Chief of Staff of JFC Naples, Lieutenant General Luciano Portolano, met with Serbian Chief of Defense, General Ljubisa Dikovic, and Assistant Foreign Minister for Security Policy Branimir Filipovic during his official visit to Serbia on November 14-15.

The two sides exchanged views on the situation in the region, joint cooperation within the Individual Partnership Action Plan framework, and Serbia's reliance on NATO's Partnership for Peace tools in enhancing its peacekeeping capacities.

At a meeting with State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Nenad Neric the interlocutors assessed that mutual relations are good and pledged commitment to further developing cooperation in areas of mutual interest.. 

In addition, General Portolano visited the NATO MLO Belgrade, where he conferred with Chief of MLO, Brigadier General Cesare Marinelli, and receive briefing on the Office's activities and local developments.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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