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Oct 15 2019

Serbian Officers Train with NATO

BUJANOVAC, Serbia -NATO military experts arrived in Serbia for the final stage of a training process of Serbian Armed Forces, based on a NATO-led training module called Operational Capability Concept Evaluation and Feedback Programme.

This programme will run this week in the Serbian military base “Jug” near the town of Bujanovac. The aim is to declare an Engineer Company as the fourth unit of Serbian Armed Forces fully capable of operating using NATO standards and procedures. These standards and procedures are recognized by the UN and the EU in their peacekeeping operations. Serbia is a highly valued contributor to those.

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The Capability Concept Evaluation and Feedback Programme is the mechanism within the “Partnership for Peace” framework - with Serbia amongst its most active participants - through which units of NATO partner countries’ armed forces are trained and evaluated, according to NATO standards. This process makes it possible to enhance the operational capabilities of individual NATO partners - including those of Serbia - through close military cooperation with NATO.

As a result of the Capability Concept Evaluation and Feedback Programme, three Serbian Armed Forces units have been certified as fully trained to take part in international peacekeeping missions.
This mechanism serves as an important framework for joint exercises and various forms of training with Serbia and NATO members. It is one of many successful cooperation mechanism developed between Serbia and NATO contributing to strengthen the capacity of Serbian Armed Forces.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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