BELGRADE - Lieutenant General Jan Broeks, Director General of the NATO International Military Staff visited Belgrade, where he met with representatives of the Serbian Government, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, Chief of Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilović and, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Assistant Minister Ambassador Branimir Filipović.
Minister Vulin underlined the good cooperation the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces have with NATO under the auspices of the Partnership for Peace Programme and that Serbia remains devoted to its military neutrality. Lieutenant General Broeks thanked the Minister for the meeting, reassuring him that NATO fully respects Serbia’s decision to remain militarily neutral.
Meeting with Lieutenant General Mojsilović, Serbian Armed Forces Chief of Staff
Photo Srđan Hajster, MC Odbrana
The Serbian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Mojsilović and Lieutenant General Broeks discussed the relationship between the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR, as well as the activities of cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and NATO through the Partnership for Peace Programme.
The Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Filipovic and Lieutenant General Broeks highlighted the importance of having extensive political dialogue on all levels between Serbia and NATO, and that military cooperation, along with other forms of practical cooperation, are highly developed. Amb. Filipovic shared the view that it was the highest level visits and direct communication on those levels that have led to a more successful on hand cooperation in all areas.
As the NATO official responsible for the coordination between the decision-making bodies of the Alliance, the two Strategic Commanders, national military from NATO and Partner countries working in Brussels, and the civilian International Staff, he used his visit to Belgrade to exchange views with his Serbian counterparts and discuss areas in which the mutually beneficial relationship can be enhanced, underlining the importance and praising the cooperation the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces have with NATO under the auspices of the Partnership for Peace Programme.
In addition, Chief MLO Brigadier General Marinelli and Lieutenant General Broeks exchanged tokens of appreciation so as to officially mark and conclude this important visit by the NATO high official to Serbia.
Lieutenant General Jan Broeks assumed the position of the Director General of the International Military Staff of NATO on 27 July 2016. The International Military Staff (IMS) is the executive body of the Military Committee, NATO’s senior military authority.