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Dec 10 2019

Admiral Foggo visits Serbia

BELGRADE -  Allied Joint Force Command Naples Commander, Admiral James Foggo, visited Serbia at the invitation of Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces , General Milan Mojsilovic. This was a two-day reciprocal visit to his counterparts in Serbia.

Admiral Foggo began the visit by meeting at the General Staff of the SAF with General Mojsilovic to discuss cooperation between the SAF and KFOR, joint activities implemented under the NATO Partnership for Peace Program and training activities.

"It's up to Serbia how far and how much it wants to cooperate with NATO. As a partner, Serbia has a choice of an à la carte menu of things, training opportunities, exercises, exchanges, study days, bands, chaplains. There are over 1,600 activities Serbia can choose from and can do with NATO," said Foggo.

Meeting at the Serbian Ministry of Defense

During his visit Admiral Foggo met with State Secretary in the Serbian Defence Ministry, Aleksandar Zivkovic and Serbian Acting Assistant Foreign Minister for Security Policy Ambassador Branimir Filipovic.

To conclude the visit, Admiral Foggo delivered a lecture for the University of Defence General Staff Course attendees and the Serbian Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces representatives.

Story by NATO MLO Belgrade

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