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MLO Belgrade  /  About  /  Issue of Depleted Uranium

Issue of Depleted Uranium

In January 2001, news media in many parts of the world carried reports that postulated links between NATO's use of Depleted Uranium ammunition in Kosovo and Bosnia with allegedly higher incidences of leukemia, other cancers, and other negative health effects said to be occurring among NATO troops who had served in those areas and among local civilian populations.

Although a very large body of existing scientific and medical research clearly established that such a link between Depleted Uranium ammunition and the reported illnesses was extremely unlikely, NATO Secretary General George Robertson immediately established an Ad Hoc Committee on Depleted Uranium to serve as a clearing house for information to be shared among interested nations.

To date, the scientific and medical research continues to disprove any link between Depleted Uranium and the reported negative health effects. Furthermore, the present evidence strongly suggests that NATO troops serving in the Balkans are not suffering negative health effects different from those suffered by their colleagues who have not served in the Balkans. Nevertheless, NATO is not complacent about this matter, and will continue to share information about this issue.

The following materials, which contain a large volume of material on this subject, represent part of NATO's effort in this regard. Additional information is available on this page.

Additional information on the topic is provided in studies of the United Nations Environmental Programme and International Atomic Energy Agency.

Depleted uranium engagement points during 1999 campaign
(click here for hi-res version)

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NATO Military Liaison Office
Bircaninova 5
Ministry of Defense Building
11000 Belgrade

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11000 Belgrade