MLO Belgrade

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MLO Belgrade  /  About


The NATO Military Liaison Office (MLO) in Belgrade has been a vital contact point between NATO and the Serbian authorities since its establishment in December 2006.

The office facilitates Serbian cooperation with the Alliance under the Partnership for Peace Programme and supports Serbia's efforts in matters of defence sector reform through a joint Serbia-NATO Defence Reform Group. Ongoing military cooperation mechanisms that the NATO MLO is actively involved in include the Individual Partnership Cooperation Programme, the Planning and Review Process, the Operational Capabilities Concept and the Building Integrity Programme.

Since the harmonisation of the first Individual Partnership Action Plan in 2015, the NATO MLO has been providing increasingly more assistance to NATO's efforts in the host nation in the areas of public diplomacy, political dialogue, and military reform. To this end, the office conducts regular media outreach and promotes partnership activities with Serbia's well-established non-governmental organisations.

Serbia recently renewed the Individual Partnership Action Plan between NATO and Serbia, and under the programme, we will be looking at more than 200 activities that NATO and Serbia will do together. All of these activities are in full respect of Serbia's military neutrality.

In addition, the NATO MLO supports the Serbian government and academia in pursuing new projects within NATO's Science for Peace programme, and assists the NATO Support and Procurement Agency in implementing an ongoing Trust Fund project for the safe disposal of obsolete ammunition. 

Italian Brigadier General Giampiero Romano assumed the position of the Chief NATO MLO in December 2022.

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NATO Military Liaison Office
Bircaninova 5
Ministry of Defense Building
11000 Belgrade

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Bircaninova 5
11000 Belgrade