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KFOR  /  About Us  /  Units  /  ISRBN



The KFOR Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Battalion (ISRBN) is stationed at Pristina, Camp Film City and it is one of the COMKFOR subordinate units. ISRBN includes a core set of combined organizations and resources that have intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance as their primary functions. ISR missions can last for days and may require constant effort from multiple assets working in a synchronized manner. Highly trained professionals from ten NATO and non NATO countries daily operate KOSOVO wide to provide answers to intelligence requirements in time to support the COMKFOR decisions and to ensure mission success.

KFOR ISR BN is commanded by an Italian Army Officer, LTC Giovanni DE SANTIS.

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KFOR HQ Pristina
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Camp Film City
10000, Pristina