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COVID-19 Command information

*** Get the Latest JFC Naples Information on COVID-19… Anytime, Anywhere! ***

This page contains the latest information from the Command of JFC Naples to personnel and their families on COVID-19 guidelines and any local amendments to usual work and security procedures.

The entire leadership team at Allied Joint Force Command Naples (JFCNP) is meeting regularly and completely focused on the potential impact of the coronavirus (now named COVID-19) in Italy. The primary focus is to keep our service members, employees and families safe by mitigating the spread of the disease through sensible preventative measures.

It is the responsibility of all members of the command to respect to the Italian decree, to the best practices laid out below, and to stay connected to information being passed via the chain of command.

Do you need any additional information or have any questions related to COVID-19? Please submit your inquiries to our dedicated JFC e-mail mailbox:



IF you have symptoms (fever, cough, sneezing and breathing difficulties)

OR you or one of your dependents has/have been in contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases, you should immediately:

  • Contact your family doctor by phone; do not go to the GP waiting room or a hospital emergency department

  • Do not come to JFCNP HQ

  • Report on your chain of command and to your SNR, proving the information from the INCSPOTREP 

  • Inform JFCNP HQ Occupational Medicine Specialist via e-mail Nicola.olivieri@jfcnp.nato.int providing your phone number. Relevant information will be collected and proper instructions will be given depending on the situation.

Monitor the onset of symptoms (in particular, dry cough, fever, mucous congestion, rhinitis and breathing difficulties) in the 14 days following contact, in particular by measuring body temperature twice a day (morning / evening).


Except as otherwise determined by COM JFCNP, respect the Italian decrees put into effect as a result of the Italian Government declaration of a national emergency.  Please find a full list of the relevant requirements HERE .

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY