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Mission Appeals Tribunal


Role of the MAT

The Mission Appeals Tribunal (MAT) is an independent judicial body of second instance whose judicial activities started on 1 July 2022. It is competent to adjudicate appeals lodged by civilians hired in Missions against an Administrative Review decision of the Mission Commander.

In the event such decision allegedly contrasts the applicable Civilian Staff Rules (CSRs) and/or with the newly adopted Mission Civilian Rules (MCRs) for Mission Civilians employed by Alliance Operations and Missions Organizations (AOMO), or affects the staff member’s employment conditions, he/she may lodge an appeal to the MAT.

The MAT Rules of Procedures approved and signed on 1 July 2022 regulate the court procedures and competence. The MAT Rules of Procedures are contained in a Directive adopted by ACO Office of Legal Affairs.


The MAT is currently composed of eleven (11) Judges from different NATO nations, appointed by the JFCNP Chief of Staff, upon submission of their curriculum vitae by NATO NMRs. They are highly qualified law professionals with previous experience in judicial offices and as professors of international law.

President of the College of Judges
Vice President of the College of Judges

College of Judges

The appointment is for a five year term, renewable no more than three times and for a maximum of twenty years of service.  Judges are selected and appointed in accordance with the criteria and requirements set by the MAT Rules of Procedure.


The submission of an appeal is subject to the registration on the dedicated portal of the MAT as appellant and respondent. The MAT Portal is managed by the Office of the Registrar and only accessible to the Judges, while the parties will access another restricted area dedicated to the submission and receipt of documents, orders of the Judges and communications. The President of the MAT shall nominate for each case a Panel of three Judges, one of whom will be the appointed Chairperson. At the end of the proceedings, the Panel adopts a final and binding judgment upon the parties.

Office of the Registrar

The MAT includes the Office of the Registrar with duties and responsibilities set by the Rules of Procedure of the MAT. The Office of the Registrar has an official role and guarantees the formalities of the court procedures, the appropriate submission and receipt of appeal’s documentation. The Office of the Registrar is the formal recipient of communications from the judges to the parties and vice versa up to the final decision of the court. The Office of the Registrar serves under the sole direction of the President of the Tribunal and enjoys the same independence as the MAT members.

The Office of the Registrar is currently led by Mr. Patrizio Raimondi.

Fundamental Documents
  1. MAT Rules of Procedures
  2. Balkans 2012 Civilian Staff Rules
  3. NMI 2018 CSRs for International Civilian Hires
  4. NMI 2018 CSRs for Local Civilian Hires
  5. Balkans 2021 Civilian Staff Rules
  6. Mission Civilian Rules 2022

Annual Reports of MAT Panels Decisions

2023 Annual Report

Practical Information 

The official seat of the MAT is at JFC Naples - Via Madonna del Pantano, 80014, Giugliano in Campania, Napoli, Italy.

For any request of information, please contact the competent Mission CHRM Office:

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
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