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JFC Naples Chief of Staff and Head of European Union Coordination Element

Lieutenant General Rodolfo Sganga

Lieutenant General Rodolfo Sganga was born in Varese on January 23rd, 1967. He initially enlisted as a soldier in 1987, and then attended the Military Academy and the School of Applied Military Studies graduating in 1991.

Since then, he served as Reconnaissance Platoon Leader in the “Serenissima” Amphibious Regiment, Platoon Leader and Rifle Company Commander in the 183rd "Nembo" Parachute Regiment, Company Commander in the Military Academy, Commander of the 2nd Parachute Battalion, Commander of the 187th "Folgore" Parachute Regiment.

As a Staff Officer, he held several positions in the Operational Land Forces Command and in the Army General Staff.

From 2014 to 2017 he also served as the Military Attaché of the Italian Embassy in Washington D.C..

As Flag Officer, he was the Commanding General of the “Folgore” Parachute Brigade (2017-2019) and then Commandant of the Military Academy (2019-2021).

From 2021 to 2025 he served as the Director of the 3rd Department “Industrial Policy and International Relations” of the Secretariat General of Defence/National Armaments Directorate.

Throughout his career, he deployed to Kosovo in 2000, to Afghanistan in 2002, 2006, 2009 and 2011 and to Lebanon in 2017 as Commander of the UNIFIL Joint Task Force Lebanon - Sector West.

Lieutenant General Sganga was awarded with the Silver Medal of Army Valor, a Silver Cross of Merit (Army), a Bronze Cross of Merit (Army), the Mauriziana Medal, the Bronze Medal of Merit for Military Parachuting Activity, the Gold Seniority Cross, the NATO Commemorative Medals for operations in Kosovo and Afghanistan, the UN Commemorative Medal for the Operation in Lebanon and the Slovenian Medal for International Cooperation.

He was awarded with the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, the Legion of Merit of the United States of America and the Gold Medal of the French National Defence.

He graduated in Strategic Sciences from the University of Turin and in Political Science from the University of Trieste. He also holds several Master degrees, among them Military Studies and Operational Studies, both from the Marine Corps University in Quantico VA.

He attended the Italian Army Command and Staff College (1999), the Italian Joint Staff College (2004), the USMC Command and Staff College (2005) and the USMC School of Advanced Warfighting (2006).

Since January 31st, 2025, he is the Chief of Staff of the NATO Joint Force Command Naples and Head of European Union Coordination Element.

Lieutenant General Sganga is married to Mrs Cinzia Nicoletta and has two children, Marta and Roberto.

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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