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Jun 5 2023

Spain takes command of NATO Mission Iraq

BAGHDAD - Lieutenant General José Antonio Agüero Martínez of Spain assumed command of NATO Mission Iraq (NMI) on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at a Change of Command Ceremony at UNION III in Baghdad.

He succeeds Lieutenant General Giovanni Maria Iannucci of Italy, who had been in the post since May 2022.
It is up to the Iraqis to organise their Security Sector adapting our advice to their specific circumstances

“Over the past 12 months we have worked hard along with the Iraqi security forces and institutions; together we have agreed on areas and priorities to work upon in order to boost the structural changes and reforms necessary to make the Iraqi security forces even more effective and sustainable, so that they themselves are able to stabilise their country, fight terrorism, and prevent the return of Daesh,” Lieutenant General Iannucci said.

Lieutenant General José Antonio Agüero Martínez of Spain assumed command of NATO Mission Iraq on May 24, 2023 in a Change of Command ceremony in Baghdad - NATO photo by NMI Public Affairs Office

“Tangible results have been achieved to create the conditions for lasting security in Iraq and stability across the region. Indeed more work lies ahead, but the cooperation developed with our Iraqi counterparts is solid and is moving forward,” Iannucci added.

Incoming Commander, Lieutenant General José Antonio Agüero Martínez stated: “Dear Iraqi colleagues, you have your own history, culture, organisation and tradition. It is up to the Iraqis to organise their Security Sector adapting our advice to their specific circumstances. We offer you the opportunity to build something better and faster by learning from our experience.”

Story by NATO Mission Iraq Public Affairs Office

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