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Oct 11 2022

Iraqi Navy Officers participate in NATO exercise

BAGHDAD – For the first time, two Iraqi Navy Officers participated in a NATO naval exercise, off the coast of Italy from Aug 31 to Sept 9, 2022.

The officers participated as observers during NATO exercise DYNAMIC MOVE 22 and marks an important first step in fulfilling the Iraqi objective to participate as full partners in NATO exercises.

DYNAMIC MOVE was a demonstration of naval mine warfare tactics and procedures as well as the Allied Navigational system and naval shipping procedures. The exercise’s objective was to enhance participant’s abilities to conduct littoral and amphibious operations.

For the first time, two Iraqi Navy Officers participated in a NATO naval exercise, off the coast of Italy from Aug 31 to Sept 9, 2022 - NATO Photo by NATO Mission Iraq Public Affairs Office

The Iraqi participation as observers in NATO exercises is part of Long Term Objective 8, which will be achieved when the first Iraqi unit participates in a NATO exercise by the end of 2024.

The aim of the objective is to improve and inspire the Iraqi Armed Forces by enabling all Service Commands to attend a NATO exercise. By participating in NATO exercises, the Iraqi Armed Forces will gain knowledge and experience they can use to improve their readiness and interoperability with NATO and NATO countries.

Iraqi Officers will participate as observers in the following NATO exercises scheduled in 2023: DYNAMIC MOVE 23 (Navy) in Sept, NOBLE BONUS 23 (Joint) in Sept, RAMSTEIN DUST 23 (AF-AD) in Nov 2023 and STEADFAST JACKAL 23 (Army) in Nov 2023.

The NATO Military Training Evaluation Programme 2023-2026 will be available in the near future, with detailed information on 2024 NATO exercises. Based on this programme, the Iraqi Armed Forces should decide by the end of Dec 2022 in which 2024 NATO exercises they plan to participate.

Story by NATO Mission Iraq Public Affairs Office

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