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Apr 12 2021

NATO Mission Iraq visits Besmayah Training Area

BAGHDAD - NATO Mission Iraq’s (NMI) Liaison Officer to the Military College, Captain Lindsay Sharples, along with other British Army personnel, visited the Besmayah Training Area on Apr. 6, 2021 to observe military college cadets.

This visit forms part of the strong, enduring relationship between Iraq’s Military College, NMI and the UK setting the foundation for our commitment to future training engagements

NMI advisors were met by the Training Officer and his staff, and then shown the defensive positions prepared by the military college cadets. The cadets were conducting their second year defensive scenario exercise. Having only deployed two days earlier the cadets and training staff had clearly worked extremely hard on the defences and models

NATO Mission Iraq’s Liaison Officer to the Military College along with other British Army personnel, visited the Besmayah Training Area on Apr. 6, 2021 to observe military college cadets - NATO Photo by NATO Mission Iraq

The cadets were also preparing for eight more days of challenging exercise serials – including a night ambush planned for that evening. After lunch, the advisors thanked the staff for the opportunity to visit and observe, and wished them the best of luck with the remainder of their training.

“This visit forms part of the strong, enduring relationship between Iraq’s Military College, NMI and the UK setting the foundation for our commitment to future training engagements,” said Captain Sharples.

The Military College will host an NMI Mobile Advisory Training Team in the summer of 2021 as they deliver an Instructor Development Course, aimed at sharing knowledge and techniques for training delivery.

Story by NATO Mission Iraq Public Affairs Office

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