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Jul 13 2019

First visit to NATO Mission Iraq for the new SACEUR

Baghdad, IRAQ - On the 2nd and 3rd of July 2019, General Tod D. Wolters, NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), paid an official visit to NATO Mission Iraq.  It was the first operational visit for the new SACEUR since his nomination in last May.

NATO Mission Iraq has been up and running for more than seven months now and SACEUR has come to see the evolution of the work accomplished on the ground. For the occasion, a series of meetings was organized to give an overview of the operations.

Mission members have developed partnerships with Iraqi military institutions and schools in a collaborative approach, tailoring advice and training to the needs of the Iraqis.

Official meetings were held with the new Minister of Defence, Mr. Najah Al-Shammari and the Chief of Staff, General Othman Al-Ghanmi, to discuss the contribution provided by the mission.  A visit to the Taji Military Complex showed the daily work of the Embedded Training and Advisory Team working with schools, developing an achievable and sustainable military force structure.   The Advisory team of the mission is also involved with the Defence University for Military Studies where SACEUR had the opportunity to observe the evolution of the various projects in progress.

The mission will continue its work by helping building capacity to strengthen Iraqi forces and resilience against terrorism.

Story by NATO Mission Iraq Public Affairs Office        

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