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Feb 13 2025

Third NATO-African Union Cooperation Community of Interest working group

On 05 February 2025, Rear Admiral Thorsten MARX (Assistant Chief of Staff J9) hosted the third NATO-African Union Cooperation Community of Interest Working Group (NAUC COI WG) at Joint Force Command Naples (JFCNP).

Representatives from NATO HQ International and Military Staff, from SHAPE, JFCNP, NSD-S Hub and NATOs Senior Military Liaison Officer in Addis Ababa participated in a working group focusing on NATO’s cooperation mission with the African Union (AU).

Interest in NATO’s Southern Neighbourhood, including NATO’s cooperation with the AU, has grown during recent years. In consequence of the decisions made at the NATO Summit in Washington, July 2024, NATO established an Action Plan for its engagement with partners in the Southern Neighbourhood. NATO’s approach is one of cooperation and partnership with committed long term, strategic relations for addressing common challenges and exploring the opportunities that derive from closer relationships. Although not a Partner to NATO, the AU plays a very important role in NATO’s South. That is why, cooperation with the AU is a key focus for both NATO and the AU. This was further reinforced during the last NATO-AU Military to Military Staff Talks which took place in Brussels during November 2024.

The aim of this NAUC working group was not solely to review current mission status but also to look at existing challenges to identify options to mitigate these or improve mission performance. Not all challenges can be solved at the operational level and this is why a cross NATO functional working group with representation from the strategic and political levels remains necessary for effective output. After fruitful and open discussions, all participants agreed that the meeting had been very positive not only improving shared awareness and understanding, but also in framing collaborative efforts to help improve mission progress.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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