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Feb 28 2025

JFC conducts gender training at Colombia Infantry School

Lago Patria, Italy –Feb 25 8 - Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples conducted a Gender in Military Operations Mobile Training session in Bogota, Colombia, from Feb. 17-21, 2025.  

JFC Naples Gender Advisor Office conducted the Gender in Military Operations MTT, for the first time in Colombia. The session for the Colombian Armed Forces (Ejército Nacional de Colombia) was held in the Infantry School (Escuela de Infantería- Ejército Nacional de Colombia) in Bogota.

The military professionals in Colombia were enthusiastic, well-engaged, and the MTT information provided complemented the foundation of their knowledge on gender in military operations

The MTT provide an overview of International and NATO Women, Peace, and Security Frameworks, Implementation of Gender of Military Operations at the Strategic, Operational and Tactical levels, Gender Analysis, Gender and Humanitarian Law. As well as, sessions on application of GMO in specific focus area such as Conflict Related Sexual Violence and Targeting. There were also briefing from UN Verification Mission Colombia and ICRC Colombia on the integration of gender perspective in their lines of efforts, as well as a briefing from the Colombian Armed Forces GENAD Office.

JFC Naples GENAD supplemented the curriculum with several student syndicate activities to include exercises in which the groups applied gender analysis into various military tasks and scenarios.

The training facilitators included Subject Matter Experts from the JFC Naples GENAD, LEGAD and J9 who supported delivery of lectures and classroom discussions. The Gender in Military Operations Mobile Training Team resulted in a successful proof of concept with 30 joint graduates from the Colombian Armed Forces, from all ranks and reflecting a broad range of staff levels, and functional expertise with an emphasis on combat arms operations experience.

“The military professionals in Colombia were enthusiastic, well-engaged, and the MTT information provided complemented the foundation of their knowledge on gender in military operations. We would definitely like to provide training to Colombians again if given the chance,” said team leader Dr Fani Giannousi.

Colombia is a global partner since 2017, and the Alliance’s first Latin American partner. NATO and Colombia focus on developing common approaches to global security challenges. In December 2021, Colombia and NATO agreed a new framework of cooperation, the Individually Tailored Partnership Programme, marking the beginning of an even closer partnership.

Through the Gender in Military Operations Mobile Training Team, JFC Naples advanced gender mainstreaming as essential for security and defense, promoted Women, Peace and Security as an interoperability enabler, improved national Women, Peace, and Security commitments and enhanced Women, Peace and Security networks in the security and defense sector.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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