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Apr 24 2024

The Turkish community at JFC Naples host International Children Festival

NAPLES, Italy – The Turkish community at Allied Joint Force Command Naples (JFC Naples) organized and hosted its annual event to celebrate International Children’s Festival April 23, 2024.

The founder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK, dedicated the date of the inauguration of the first Turkish Grand National Assembly, 23rd April 1920, as “National Children Day”.

The JFC Naples International Children’s Day highlights the shared values of NATO’s many cultures

The United Nations Organization for the Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) proclaimed 1979 as the “International Year of Children” and since then Türkiye has been celebrating “International Children’s Day” with the participation of the children from all around the world to promote peace and friendship.

The Deputy Commander of JFC Naples, LGen Stephen Kelsey was also in attendance and stated, “the JFC Naples International Children’s Day highlights the shared values of NATO’s many cultures. Despite our diversity, we are united in securing a peaceful and prosperous future for the generations to come. It is also important to recognize the parents, teachers, and school administrations who encourage these children every day. Their dedication and commitment is represented in the creativity and imagination witnessed today. Likewise, today would not have been possible without the support of the Turkish contingent and many volunteers involved in organizing this event.”

The Turkish National Support Element at JFC Naples traditionally sponsors the celebration of International Children’s Day every year. The purpose of the festival is Türkiye’s gift to all children across Naples area with a special festival that reflects the good will and livelihood of children, evoking the feelings of friendship and unity.

The Turkish Senior representative BGen Aydın KILIÇ was in attendance at the event and gave the following remarks. “On this International Children’s Festival, we celebrate the joy, laughter, and boundless hope that children bring into our lives. Today is also a reminder of our collective responsibility to ensure their well-being and to invest in their future” he continued “Children are the architects of tomorrow, and the strength of our community lies in their hands. Our alliance is a testament to the power of unity. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our children and shape a brighter future for all”.

The International Children’s Festivals held here, have fostered strong cultural and social connections with local society and enhanced relationships with local and regional institutions. Local Italian and international schools joined the celebrations. The students delighted all in attendance with performances of dance and song. In addition, an exhibition displayed paintings created by children who participated in a drawing contest for the festival. The festivities also included engaging games and animations for the children, accompanied by a selection of complimentary, delicious refreshments. A fantastic day was had by all.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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