NAPLES, Italy - On Friday, April 26, 2024, NATO starts a complex demonstration of its ability to integrate joint high-end maritime strike capabilities. It will take operational control of multiple aircraft carrier and expeditionary strike groups in support of deterrence and defense of the Alliance in its 75th year.
During this iteration, Neptune Strike (NEST) includes contributions by Albania, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Türkiye, Sweden, United Kingdom and the USA.
It will be Sweden’s first NEST since joining the Alliance.
This spring, and though not falling underneath NATO’s operational authority, for the first time Türkiye will participate with an expeditionary strike group including amphibious forces.
In addition, NATO will establish and operate a Forward Command Element (FCE) aboard a floating unit to demonstrate its ability to deploy self-sufficient mobile command elements- anywhere, at any time.
Also for the first time, the French Navy will transfer the authority for the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and its affiliated unites under NATO command for the duration of NEST.
NEST blends the activities and capabilities of Allied maritime strike capabilities from their national tasking to STRIKFORNATO (SFN) and the wider Alliance. This effort sees multi-national assets integrating high-end strike capabilities to enhance their readiness to defend the Alliance.