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May 9 2024

NATO Parliamentary Assembly visit to JFCNP

On May 8, 2024 NATO Parliamentary Assembly ( NATO PA) delegation paid a visit to the Allied Joint Force Command Naples (JFC Naples).

The purpose of the visit was to gain insights into the pivotal role played by JFC Naples in providing security and stability within the Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s area of responsibility and beyond, focusing on the JFCNP main operations and activities.

Lieutenant General Stephen Kelsey, Deputy Commander of JFC Naples, delivered the opening remarks welcoming the parliamentarians belonging to the Delegations of 14 NATO member countries. He specifically referred to the NATO's crucial role in the current international context.

The visit was considered a great success, NATO PA delegation left with a much more comprehensive understanding of the JFC Naples and its remit within the overall NATO command structure constantly adapting and is ready to face new challenges in full support.

Parliamentary visit was attended by Lt.Gen. Steve Kelsey, JFC Naples Deputy Commander, Hon. Giangiacomo Calovini, Vice Chairperson, Hon. Lorenzo Cesa, President of the Italian Delegation to NATO, Lt.Gen. Vasco Angelotti, JFC Naples Chief of Staff (Front row left to right)

 Image by JFCNP Production

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY