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Jun 14 2024


On June 12th, Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, welcomed the Argentine Minister of Defense Luis Petri and his delegation to NATO's warfighting headquarters in Naples, Italy. 

Following an information session on JFCNP activities and productive working day, the Minister and Commander discussed their similar concerns on global security, desire to increase stability and efforts diminish threats to peace. Admiral Munsch also emphasized that becoming interoperable through achieving NATO operating standards would benefit Argentina and all nations in the Alliance. He looks forward to continued dialogue in the future.

Bonded to the world and looking to the future, we continue working to strengthen our capabilities and improve our interoperability
"During the visit on the 12 June we explored possibilities of cooperation that would allow our forces to integrate with Italy and NATO in training, exercise and operational programs," said Minister Petri.  "Bonded to the world and looking to the future, we continue working to strengthen our capabilities and improve our interoperability."

Minister Petri greatly appreciated JFCNP staff availability and all the information he was provided and hopes to be able to work together again.

Visita al Comando de las Fuerzas Conjuntas Aliadas de Nápoles (JFC), donde exploramos oportunidades de cooperación para que nuestras fuerzas se integren en programas de entrenamiento, ejercicios y operaciones conjuntas con Italia y con la OTAN. Vinculados con el mundo, trabajamos para fortalecer nuestras capacidades y mejorar la interoperabilidad hacia el futuro.

El ministro agradece mucho su predisposición y toda la información que se le brinda y espera poder regresar para trabajar juntos.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY