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Jul 8 2024

JLSG Conducting Exercise Connected Logisticians 2024

NAPLES, Italy – Joint Logistics Support Group is currently conducting Exercise Connected Logisticians 2024 (COLO24) in Naples from July 8 to 12, 2024. 

COLO24, led by the Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre (MLCC), is a major training event focused on enhancing logistics skills using the Logistics Functional Area Services (LOGFAS) system. LOGFAS is the NATO tool for logistics processes, including strategic and operational movement and transportation, multinational deployment planning and execution, in-theatre movement scheduling, and sustainment planning.

During COLO24, participants trained on planning and coordinating logistics at different levels, from strategic strategies to tactical details. The exercise covered key tasks such as moving supplies, supporting forces, and reporting logistics activities through LOGFAS. A special scenario demonstrated LOGFAS's practical application in real-world logistics.

The primary objective of COLO24 is to utilise LOGFAS for effective deployment planning, execution, and sustainment of forces. To ensure readiness, Commander of JLSG Naples, Brigader General Ionel VLASIE, hosted and organised the special training session.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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