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Jun 19 2024


Chișinău, Moldova - On 03-07 June Subject Matter Experts from Allied Joint Force Command Naples (JFCNP) conducted a Mobile Training Team (MTT) event, focused on Logistic challenges within the Operational Planning Process.

The MTT provided training on NATO's Operational Planning Process (OPP) with an emphasis on the logistics functions. Specific aims included: provide a familiarization with NATO logistics, provide an overview of the logistician's role in OPP, facilitate interoperability with NATO, engage in dialogue and establish a network of logisticians. Several syndicate sessions and activities were organised over the course of this event. Additionally, the training included an initial overview on NATO mechanisms and dynamics to ensure participants had a better understanding of NATO processes.

The team of three Logistics instructors from JFCNP, together with a Joint Logistics Support Group Naples (JLSGNP) representative, conducted the training and provided mentoring for sixteen scheduled officers from the Ministry of Defense (MOD), General Staff of the National Army, from different elements and units. The JFCNP/JLSGNP HQ training team enjoyed the productive engagements with their hosts, as the students fully embraced the valuable learning occasion.

Moreover, the MTT had the opportunity to meet with the NATO Liaison Office (NLO) Team in the Republic of Moldova. Hereby the discussion covered a wide range of topics related to training and mentoring offered by JFCNP experts to military personnel of the Moldova Armed Forces, including in the field of logistics. The meeting also provided the opportunity to discuss about the initiatives requested by Moldova’s authorities in order to strengthen the country’s defence capabilities, which are developed under the Enhanced Defence and Related Security Capabilities Initiative (DCBI), and to present NLO’s role in providing operational advice for their implementation.

The MTT is in direct support to Moldova and NATO’s shared military partnership areas of cooperation found in Moldova’s Individual Partnership Cooperation Plan. More broadly, it also supports wider NATO aims to help build the trust and understanding that will lead to better cooperation in the region while increasing military interoperability between NATO and Moldova.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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