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Feb 29 2024


CHISINAU, MOLDOVA - The 1st Regional Collective Training Event Planning Workshop in support of the Regional Exercise (REGEX) 24 program took place from 19 February – 01 March, at the Agency for Science and Military Memory in Chisinau city center.  

This REGEX edition is auspiciously occurring while NATO is celebrating the 75th Anniversary of its foundation and Moldova is celebrating their nation’s 30th anniversary in the Partnership for Peace program.  

Following the Moldovan national anthem, the Allied Joint Force Command Naples Commander, US Navy Adm. Stuart B. MUNSCH opened the first workshop in conjunction with the Moldovan Chief of Defence Brigadier General Eduard OHLADCIUC.

Allied Joint Force Command Naples Commander, US Navy Adm. Stuart B. MUNSCH  and Moldovan Chief of Defence Brigadier General Eduard OHLADCIUC ( front row, center 3rd and 4th from left) stand with the participants of REGEX 24 in front of Agency for Science and Military Memory in Chisinau city center. book.

Both leaders highlighted the importance of NATO’s Partnerships, REGEX, and the need to build and strengthen ties in order to fortify regional cooperation and stability. Each senior leader wished the participants success, stamina, and energy for the successful completion of the exercise. Numerous members of the local diplomatic community also attended the opening ceremony. 

The REGEX program is a NATO-supported opportunity for Partner Nations to plan and conduct an exercise from beginning to end, while meeting their own unique training requirements.  The Republic of Moldova graciously offered to serve as the host nation for REGEX 24, adding to the robust list of previous host nations including, Bosnia and Herzegovina (REGEX 16), Jordan (REGEX 17), Serbia (REGEX 18), the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (REGEX 19), Morocco (REGEX 22), QATAR (REGEX23). 

A training team from Allied Joint Force Command Naples mentored 46 participants from 14 Partner Nations: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Malta, Morocco, Moldova, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives from the African Union. The participants, representing all four NATO partnership frameworks (Istanbul Cooperation Initiative/ICI, Mediterranean Dialogue, Partnership for Peace/PfP and Partners across the globe), demonstrates the highest participation of Partner Nations in the history of the REGEX program.

The REGEX initiative involves a designated Partner Nation acting as host, inviting all other NATO Partners to participate in the planning and execution of a national exercise. NATO provides support to the exercise planning workshops by offering: 

  • Training on NATO Exercise Planning Procedures.Subject Matter Expertise and mentoring through all phases of exercise planning and execution.
  • Subject Matter Expertise and mentoring through all phases of exercise planning and execution.
  • Funding support for participants from eligible partner nations.

REGEX 24 will continue for three additional workshops and will culminate in July 2024.

Story by JFC Naples J9 

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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