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Dec 6 2024

JFC Naples hosts the 'NATO Building Integrity in Operations' event at the NATO ICI Regional Center in Kuwait

Kuwait City, Kuwait – Joint Forces Command Naples in close coordination with NATO HQ, SHAPE J9 CIMIC and Finnish Defence Force International Center (FINCENT) Helsinki, supported by experts from the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC) of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, led a mobile training course on NATO Building Integrity in Operations conduct in the NATO ICI Regional Center – State of Kuwait located in Kuwait City –Kuwait, on 25-28 November, 2024.  

We are very grateful to NATO HQ, JFC Naples, SHAPE, FINCENT and the PSOTC for such committed assistance.

The audience requirements were met, during the four days activities, by providing both information sessions and syndicate activities. During the syndicate activities – very well received - participants exchanged views on good practices and practical steps to strengthen Building Integrity, to enhance Transparency and Accountability as well as to raise the understanding of the Corruption impact on military missions. They also developed possible course of action/mitigation measures based on “real world” case study, to face specific challenges.

The aim of the mobile training activity was to provide the participants training audience, from the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI), with an understanding of the principles of Building Integrity and the impact of Corruption on Military Operations and NATO-led Operations.

The peculiarity of this training activity lay in its unique request and aim: it was the first time it was delivered to participants from different Nations, part of the ICI namely: State of Kuwait, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

The Team of two Staff Officer from JFCNP and two from PSOTC Sarajevo provided the BIIO foundation information and good practices to the 21 Officers and 3 civilians who attended the event that was held in the NATO Istanbul Cooperation Initiative Regional Centre (NIRC) in the State of Kuwait.

In his closing remarks, Mr Mohamed Al-Oraifan, NIRC Director underlined the importance of NATO partnership. "We are very grateful to NATO HQ, JFC Naples, SHAPE, FINCENT and the PSOTC for such committed assistance," Mr Al-Oraifan said.

NATO commends the ICI countries participation in the partnership programme as well as that the attendees sharing their experience with colleagues in their respective service.

This activity has directly supported ICI shared military partnership areas of cooperation and broadly it has also supported wider NATO aims to help build the trust and understanding among Allies and Partners, that will lead to better cooperation in the region increasing interoperability.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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80014 Lago Patria
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