46 members of the Armed Forces and 9 Civilians attended the MTT, ranging from tactical to operational level as well as representatives from various Ministries. The training was conducted in the framework of NATO military training partnership contributing to long-term global and regional security by offering interested countries practical bilateral security cooperation with NATO.
The aim of this course was to provide the training audience with an overview of the various assets, roles, missions, and doctrines related to NATO’s contribution on Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC). It focused on its relevance in the daily duties and activities primarily at the operational level. The event constitutes the first training block of the staggered approach in CIMIC training to build the foundation for further deepened CIMIC related training.

Qatar is a key strategic partner for NATO as member of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) , which is a partnership forum that aims to promote security cooperation on a bilateral basis between NATO and partner countries in the broader Middle East region.
To meet the training objectives for the audience from various military and civilian backgrounds the course was mainly in person with additional online support via Additional experts from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and Blue Shield International highlighted the importance to ensure a comprehensive approach from military and especially non-military actors in nowadays complex Areas of Operations (AO). The introductory part covered relevant frameworks of NATO, United Nations and the European Union. The main part focused on promoting the understanding of NATO´s Comprehensive Operations Planning (COP) Process as the core tool to ensure efficient and effective use of all resources during planning and execution phase in regards to Crisis Management.
There were also modules on NATO Cross-Cutting Topics (CCT), in particular Protection of Civilians (PoC), Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC), Cultural Property Protection (CPP) and Women, Peace and Security (WPS)/Gender in Military Operations.