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Jun 11 2024

CIMIC Concept Implementation Conference in JFC Naples

NAPLES, Italy On 5th and 6th June 2024, the J9-Civil-Military Cooperation Branch organised in Allied Joint Force Command NAPLES (JFCNP), the first CIMIC Regional Plan South-East (RP-SE) CIMIC-Concept Implementation Conference.

The primary objectives of the event were firstly to inform representatives from the national joint HQs about the RP-SE planning and secondly to discuss in details the RP-SE CIMIC-Concept and its related requirements so that the concept would continue to develop and become fully executable. Finally, the event created the opportunity for discussions and personal interaction with CIMIC Subject Matter Experts from across Joint Operation Area South-East and abroad.

A total of 35 participants from Allied Nations, NATO Command Structure/ NATO Force Structure attended the Conference. On the first day of the event, JFCNP representatives across different functional areas provided an overview of Regional Plan South-East with a focus on the identification, analysis, and assessment of the civil factors of the operating environment. The CIMIC Concept in support of RP-SE represented the center of gravity of the second day of the event. To facilitate dialogue and interaction among participants, three syndicate discussions were conducted on different themes. The first syndicate addressed Resilience through Civil Preparedness, to discuss the impact of shocks to national systems and how this might in turn affect NATO/JFCNP missions and operations. The second group centered on Human Security, Protection of Civilians and Civilian Harm Mitigation, to share perspectives on a multi-sectoral approach to security that gives primacy to people and which is central to NATO/JFCNP approach to crisis prevention and management. The third syndicate focused on the Battle Rhythm, Information Requirements, and Knowledge Development discussing what would the right databases and work structure across JOA South-East.

Recognising the importance for NATO/JFCNP to adopt a Comprehensive Approach to crises, as well as the added value of integrating civilian expertise and considerations into military operations to enhance resilience against complex challenges, selected members of the International Community (UN, EU, ICRC, Blue Shield International, ICOMOS, CIVIC) were invited to contribute to the discussions related to Human Security.

The CIMIC Regional Plan South-East (RP-SE) CIMIC-Concept Implementation Conference created the opportunity for participants to collectively discuss and address challenging tasks and operational dilemmas that will contribute to NATO/JFCNP to “Be prepared for driving down the The Road to Reality” (Brigadier General Dieter Kohl, ACOS J9, JFCNP).

Story by JFC Naples J9

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