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Jun 11 2024

Asymmetric Warfare Mobile Training Team course in Sarajevo

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina - A multinational team from Allied Joint Force Command Naples led an Asymmetric Warfare (AW) Mobile Training Team (MTT) course in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina from 20-24 May 2024.

Organised in close cooperation with a Bosnia and Herzegovina Army point of contact, the program was focused on the AW threat worldwide, and doctrine within NATO. Many aspects of AW were shared with training audience from Intelligence to Planning; including Information Operations, Special Operations and Counter-IED in AW.

Open and frank discussions allowed for the sharing of experiences and relevant exchanges between all participants and NATO’s experts.

“The AW MTT training package is designed to cover topics from tactical to operational levels, and is focused on understanding the fundamentals of insurgency, counterinsurgency and NATO asymmetric warfare doctrine, and give to the trainees a deep introduction on Information Operations in AW, Special Operations and attacking the IED network” said LTC Enrico Iazzetta, MTT Coordinator. He continued "They were given a real case study on Village Stability Operations in Afghanistan”.

Bosnian armed forces attendees were particularly interested in the lectures. In particular they were interested in improving their military intelligence capabilities for the benefit of their HQs.

“This important aspect of AW threat education and sharing of experience is the goal of MTTs such as this with our partners, and is a welcome challenge for our JFCNP team.”, said LTC Enrico Iazzetta.

The MTT constitutes an effective and reliable activity to support the Bosnian armed forces, both in military dialogue and consultation, in its development of military capabilities.

Story by JFC Naples Office of Special Operations

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
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