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Mar 6 2024

Albania opens Kucove Air Base

20240403 - Albania opens Kuçovë Air Base

The President of the Republic of Albania, His Excellency Bajram Begaj, alongside senior political and military figures from across the region and NATO, attended the inaugural opening ceremony of the Kuçovë Air Base on Monday 4th March 2024. The ceremony concluded with an impressive air display showcasing some of NATO’s air and aviation capabilities.

Co-financed with the Republic of Albania and following two years of extensive improvements and upgrades, Kuçovë Air Base is the first NATO air base in the Balkans Region. Benefiting from favorable weather conditions, location and all new runway and control tower, Kuçovë Air Base will now serve as a support hub for NATO air supplies, logistics, Search and Rescue (SAR), aerial surveillance and support to air policing activities.

JFC Naples was represented by the Deputy Chief of Staff Plans, British Major General John Mead – “The modernisation of Kuçovë Airbase is a significant milestone for Joint Force Command Naples and NATO’s Regional Plans. With Albania, this capability reinforces our ability to deter adversaries, build readiness and strengthen the Alliance.”

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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