From left to right: Prof. Vittorio Amato, Director of the Political Science Department, Admiral Stuart Munsch, Commander of JFC Naples, and Prof. Settimio Stallone
The delegation received a warm welcome from Lt. Gen. Vasco Angelotti, Chief of Staff at JFC Naples, who provided an overview of NATO and JFC Naples history and structure.
Admiral Stuart Munsch, Commander of JFC Naples, joined the session, and also welcomed the students and professors by sharing his own background in international relations from the University of Oxford and discussing various Western crisis responses over the past seventy years, including the ongoing conflict near Europe, the first since World War II.
He emphasized the significance of these events for the field of international relations and engaged with students in a Q&A session, detailing JFC Naples' missions, external activities, and partnerships with third countries.
I thank you all for your attention, your presence here and for the interest you have shown with the many questions you have asked. You represent our future
Briefers from JFC Naples discussed different topics such as the current operational activities at JFC Naples; the Balkan region and the influence of Russia and China in the region; the role of the international civilians within NATO; the Cyber Threat; the international law applied by NATO and its subordinate commands through their treaties, the analysis of the NATO Partnership within the International relations and at conclusion, the new NATO approach to the human security related to the NATO Strategic Directive South Hub. A Questions and answers session with the General and the briefers concluded the morning session.
“It’s me which I have to thank the professors and the students,” said Lt.Gen. Angelotti. “I thank you all for your attention, your presence here and for the interest you have shown with the many questions you have asked. You represent our future” he concluded. In response to this expression of gratitude, Prof. Vittorio Amato, Director of the Political Science Department, reciprocated the sentiments, adding his perspective on the event's educational value.
“I’d like to express my thanks and my sincere compliments to the General and to all the stakeholders who have provided us with an accurate and clear analysis at 360 degrees, in a direct and indirect manner, of your mission, your tasks, and goal,” Prof. Amato said. “You have captured aspects crucial for the future of our students, providing us with a perfect analysis of the scenario related to the South,” he continued, “the multidisciplinary culture is essential to tackle with success the students’ studies in political science,” he concluded.
The University of Naples "Federico II" is a State University founded on June 5th, 1224, and is one of the oldest universities in the world. It was founded by the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and King of Sicily Frederick II of Swabia, and is the main Neapolitan Academy. By the CWUR ranking (Center for World University Rankings), in 2022-2023, the University of Naples “Federico II” was confirmed at sixth place among the Italian universities and at 235th place out of 20.531 in the world ranking. The Dean of the University of Naples "Federico II" is Prof. Matteo Lorito and currently 93,280 students are enrolled.
The visit of the University of Naples Federico II is part of the Public Affairs Community Relations Program to establish and strengthen the relationship with the external community in line with the #WEARENATO campaign.
Lt. Gen. Vasco Angelotti, Chief of Staff at JFC Naples, presents the JFC Naples Crest to Prof. Vittorio Amato, Director of the Political Science Department.