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Mar 22 2023


REGEX is a NATO-supported opportunity for partner countries to plan and conduct an exercise from beginning to end and is tailored to their specific training requirements.

The REGEX initiative supports NATO objectives and builds trust and understanding for better cooperation in the region and promotes increased interoperability within NATO.

A training team from Allied Joint Force Command Naples, mentored 25 participants from the 12 Partner Nations of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Morocco, Moldova, Pakistan, Tunisia, and Uzbekistan. The partners, representing all four NATO partner frameworks worked alongside 63 officers from the host nation, Qatar.

3rd Regional Exercise 23 Workshop during a meeting hosted by Qatar JWTC.

At this stage of REGEX 23, participants were challenged in developing initial planning documents and training objectives for the execution phase of REGEX to be held in November. The participants formed syndicate groups according to their background in order produce the most accurate and realistic results. All syndicates were led by designated OPRs selected from amongst the participants and were mentored by the JFC Naples subject matter experts.

The success of the third workshop was achieved thanks to the close coordination between the Qatari armed forces, Partner Nation representatives and the JFCNP REGEX core team.

The JFCNP team expect to conduct the fourth workshop in May 2023, continuing to educate and challenge the attending partners and host nation participants. The next steps will see a CPX in November 2023 for a Composite Brigade HQ while in parallel will provide an opportunity for an Operational Capability Concept Evaluation of Qatari units.

Story by Pierluigi Pettinella JFC Naples J9

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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