NAPLES, Italy – Students and teachers from Middle Schools “Virgilio IV”, Naples and "G. Parente”, Aversa, Caserta visited Allied Joint Force Command Naples October 31, 2023.
Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti, the JFC Naples Chief of Staff, welcomed the participants.
This time I have been very impressed by your curiosity that represents your success at school
“I’d like to express my thanks for your attention” said Lt.Gen. Angelotti “Every time we meet with the schools it is a new adventure” he continued “this time I have been very impressed by your curiosity that represents your success at school”. “You are growing and developing yourselves in life” he concluded.
Students and teachers from Middle Schools “Virgilio IV”, Naples and "G. Parente”, Aversa, Caserta visited Allied Joint Force Command Naples October 31, 2023..
The school’s students and teachers were given an historical overview of NATO and JFC Naples, the Joint Operations Centre’s activities, the role of NATO international civilians, as well as the importance of communication and cyber security. At the end of the presentations, students and teachers participated in a question and answer session with the general.
“Thank you General for your assessment and for all the values you have delivered to us” Angela Sodano, G.Parente Principal said “I have noted a strong unity between your world and our world” she continued “NATO, as an Alliance, creates a harmony within it’s nations, and we have learned how important exemplary conduct is” “We can take your example as a lesson learned in our role as school principals. You defend the nations to keep the peace as we defend the culture,” she concluded.
“Today a world has opened up that not everyone knows about” Lucia Vollaro, Virgilio IV Principal said “Thank you General for having opened a window over the world” she continued. “We return home with food for thought” “Alliance and Defence from threats: the word “Alliance” is fundamental to educate the kids. We return home with a renewed awareness that war and conflicts are recurring cycles in history” she concluded.
The students also had a chance to visit the Community Center and its facilities.
“Today’s visit has been very educational and the briefings covered were very interesting and current topics” 6th grade Giovanni De Martino said “this visit went beyond our expectations. I did not expect that an operational head
quarters like this was such an open and transparent territory” he concluded.
“It has been a great experience and a beautiful insight of military and civilian life” Morera Aiello 8th grade said “In future I’d like to join the military” she concluded.
The school visits are part of the community relations campaign designed to establish strong cultural and social links with civic society and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.