JFC Naples

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Nov 29 2023


NAPLES, Italy – Students and teachers from High School “Istituto Salesiano Sacro Cuore” located in Naples, Italy visited the Allied Joint Forces Command (JFC) Naples facility on Nov 29, 2023.

Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti, the JFC Naples Chief of Staff, addressed the participants with welcoming remarks.

We are here together because you are part of NATO as well

“I thank you for your attention and participation,” said General Angelotti. “Your questions were very pertinent to the topics presented.” 

“We are here together because you are part of NATO as well,” he concluded.

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Don Simone Lavecchia, LT GEN Angelotti, Prof. Anna  book.
LT GEN Angelotti speaks to students of the Istituto Salesiano Sacro Cuore 

The school’s students and teachers were given a historical overview of NATO and JFC Naples, the Joint Operations Centre’s activities, the conflict in Ukraine, the role of the NATO international civilians, the importance of communication and the cyber security.

“On behalf of Prof. Francesco Gallone, Principal of the school, I thank the General and all the briefers” Prof. Anna Margherita Del Vecchio, acting Principal said. “To have shared with us the positive values of the NATO Alliance as a defensive Alliance,” she continued. “I thank you also for having given us interesting info on NATO and the JFC Naples’ command and their activities,” she concluded.

At the end of the presentations, students and teachers participated in a questions and answers session with the general and the briefers.

I thank you also for having given us interesting info on NATO and the JFC Naples’ command and their activities

“I have found today’s visit very constructive” Anna Fioretto, an 18 year-old girl, said. “Because it has helped us to understand the moral and professional values of the military and civilian personnel assigned to NATO,” she continues. “Above all I have appreciated the General sharing with us some aspects of his personal life and how he managed the distance with his family during his military operational mandates abroad” she concluded.

“I think that today’s visit has achieved a pedagogic objective”, Riccardo Visconti, an 18 year-old boy, said. “All the presentations have been delivered in a very clear and exhaustive manner, topics that in our daily life we never touch have been greatly discussed,” he continued. “In particular, I have found the cyber security presentation very interesting, because it has represented a warning for us and an invitation to use the social networks in a correct manner,” he concluded.

The school visits are part of a community relations campaign designed to establish strong cultural and social links with civic society and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.

Story by JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

Media Operations

Public Affairs Office
Attn: Media Section
80014 Lago Patria
Naples, ITALY