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May 27 2023

NATO Evaluator and Database Management Training

Camp Bouficha - Hammamet, Tunisia – Tunisian Armed Forces commenced their path towards NATO interoperability through the Operational Capabilities and Concept Evaluation and Feedback (OCC E&F) programme from 14 to 27 May 2023.

Joint Force Command Naples’s Military Partnership Branch, supported by staff from Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, France, Ireland, Jordan, Moldova, Tunisia and Ukraine delivered this training event. This experienced international team provided both a Database and Evaluation Training course which also presented an opportunity for the Tunisian Infantry Unit to understand what will be expected of a Self Evaluation 1 (SEL 1), which is planned to take place in 2024. This resulted in the training of 12 Tunisian Database Experts and 39 Tunisian OCC evaluators to prepare them for their SEL1. This was also an opportunity to train some other NATO partners and 2 students from SHAPE PD OCC section.


The OCC E&F programme is a SACEUR-directed evaluation programme specifically designed to assess the level of interoperability and military capability of partner units against NATO standards in order to certify units to participate in NATO-led operations.

This training is a prime example of JFC Naples’s commitment to the Partnership Programme, which outlines the importance of this co-operation as part of the NATO Cooperative Security core task.

Story by JFC Naples J9 Military Partnership Branch

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