Joint Force Command Naples’s Military Partnership Branch spearheaded this first evaluation event in Qatar with support from representatives of Joint Force Command Brunssum, Allied Air Command, Allied Land Command, and staff from Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Georgia, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, and Tunisia. This robust international team joined a Qatari evaluation team to
conduct the Self-Evaluation Level 1 (SEL1) of a Qatar Emiri Land Forces Military Police (MP) Company, a Qatar Emiri Land Forces Light Infantry Company, and a Qatar Emiri Air Forces C-130 Air Squadron.
Group picture of all evaluators and unit personnel during the SEL-1 in Qatar at
Al Udeid Air Base on 10 May 2023.
JFC Naples additionally qualified a substantial number of new Qatari and international OCC evaluators in the first days of the event in order to enable the evaluation of the three distinct Qatari units.
The OCC E&F programme is a SACEUR-directed evaluation programme specifically designed to assess the level of interoperability and military capability of partner units against NATO standards in order to certify units to participate in NATO-led operations.
The SEL1 award for the Qatari units is the first for an ICI country and is a prime example of JFC Naples’s commitment to the Partnership Programme, which outlines the importance of this co-operation as part of the NATO Cooperative Security core task.

A moment of evaluation of the Qatar Emiri Infantry Company.