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Nov 22 2023

NATO Conducts Successful Evaluation of 101 Squadron in Qatar


Today QAF 101 Sqn passed NATO Evaluation 1 (NEL1), bringing the squadron closer to an interoperable NATO unit. The four-day evaluation took place at Al Udeid airbase near Doha, Qatar with Qatari evaluators.

They were joined by NATO members and partners from Azerbaijan, Columbia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Tunisia UK and USA who assisted the evaluation. During the exercise, the squadron had to deliver humanitarian aid to an austere location using their C-130 transport aircraft. Additionally, they were dealt with numerous evaluated evolutions including a cracked aircraft windscreen, hangar fire and mortar attack.

Staff Brigadier General (Pilot) Khalifa Al Ammari Airlift group Commander - “Qatar value the important strategic partnership with NATO. This evaluation brings 101 Sqn closer to interoperability with NATO enhancing prosperity, stability and security to the whole region.”

JFCNP ACOS J9 Brigadier General Dieter Kohl presents Staff Brigadier General (Pilot) Khalifa Al Ammari with an official JFC Naples plaque. 
This evaluation brings 101 Sqn closer to interoperability with NATO enhancing prosperity, stability and security to the whole region
JFC Naples NEL1 Exercise Director J9 Luigi Cipri said – “101 Squadron has progressed very well from the Self Evaluation 1 (SEL1) that took place in May this year. 101 Squadron is anticipated to be declared an interoperable NATO Air unit by the end of next year. A remarkable feat for one of our very important partners.”dsc_1830-etRQA3.  

101 Squadron has recently been very active, deploying worldwide and delivering humanitarian aid across the globe.

The Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback Programme (OCC E&F) is used to develop and train partner land, maritime, air or Special Operations Forces that seek to meet NATO standards. This rigorous process can often take a few years, but it ensures that partner forces are ready to work with Allied forces once deployed. Some partners use the OCC as a strategic tool to transform their defence forces. The OCC has contributed significantly to the increasing number of partner forces participating in NATO-led operations and the NATO Response Force.

Story by JFC Naples Pubic Affairs

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