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Mar 22 2023


NAPLES, Italy – Students and teachers from Middle School “Ariosto 1”, Arzano, Naples, visited Allied Joint Force Command Naples March 22, 2023.

Lieutenant General Vasco Angelotti, the JFC Naples Chief of Staff, addressed the participants with welcoming remarks.

I am very satisfied of today’s visit” Lt.Gen. Angelotti said “I have noted in the students a lot of attention and participation” he continued “they have spent two hours without their cellulars and made very interesting questions”. “I wish the students a successful ending of the school year and all the best for their future

he concluded.

The school’s students and teachers were given a historical overview of NATO and JFC Naples, and on the conflict in Ukraine, the role of the NATO international civilians, and the importance of communication and cyber security.

At the end of the presentations, students and teachers participated in a questions and answers session with the general and the briefers.

Students and teachers from Middle School “Ariosto 1”, Arzano, Naples, during their visit in a meeting room at Allied Joint Force Command Naples March 22, 2023.

“I invite all the students and the teachers to join me in a final round of applause” Franco Vitagliano, Vice Principal of the School said “I want to thank, on behalf of the Principal of the School, Prof. Teresa Laudanna, for the warm hospitality and the exceptional organization of our visit” he continued. “Today we feel much stronger in the respect of the legality and the collective defense, I learnt that we are 30 friends who, all together, keep high these values”. “NATO is not only in Naples, it is Naples that is in NATO” he concluded

“I have been impressed by the clarity and the determination of all the briefers” 8th grade student Federica Spanò said “the topics have been delivered in a very clear and professional way” she continued. “This visit has represented to me a new experience, it was my first time here at JFC Naples. I feel myself now very motivated” she concluded.

“Great visit today and I have found the Questions and Answers session very interesting” Kristian Rainone 8th grade student said “The General has answered to all our questions in a very exhaustive manner” he continued. “And the hospitality offered has been exceptional” he concluded.

“I had the impression to live in a parallel world” Lisa Minutolo 8th grade said “where people with ethnic and cultural diversity all meet together, sharing in a friendly way, their daily assignments” she concluded.

The students also had a chance to visit the Community Center and its facilities.

The school visits are part of a community relations campaign designed to establish strong cultural and social links with civic society and to strengthen the relationship with local and regional institutions.

Story by Diana Sodano, JFC Naples Public Affairs Office

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Allied Joint Force Command Naples
Via Madonna del Pantano
80014 Lago Patria
Giugliano in Campania, Naples, Italy

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80014 Lago Patria
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